April 19, 2006
I am still living in the amazing weekend we experienced together. Good Friday was a tangible reminder of our Lord’s passion and Easter Sunday…WOW! Thanks to all of you who served and invited and participated. Now the true work of follow up engages, and please pray for that process. Isn’t it beautiful how God blesses when we all work together in our giftedness?
Below is a prospectus of the final aspect of our THRIVE series, looking at the marketplace. Read prayerfully and I will see you on Sunday.
Life @ Work!
We conclude our Thrive series looking at Thriving in an arena that has been under-utilized as a Kingdom expansion outpost, our work environment.
Consider the following:
Spirituality in the workplace is exploding. —Laura Nash, Harvard Business School
Business professionals want a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment on the job — even more than they want money and time off. —Business Week
Prosperity has created enough wealth that many Americans' primary desires are not for material goods, but for spiritual and intellectual assets. —Fortune Magazine
The reality is that many of your coworkers will never see biblical principles or a personal relationship with God lived out in any arena other than from their colleagues in their work environment. These men and women desire more than the recognition and influence that come with a successful career. They yearn for a deeper spiritual reality. Yet many will fill the vacuum in their heart with money, success, power, fame and sex, and continue to feel empty and unsatisfied.
What if your life, work ethic, relationships and prayers could make a difference in reaching people you work with? What you do Monday through Friday is important to God, and working with a team of career professionals, I look forward to unpacking how you can leverage your career to bless people with the Gospel and expand God’s Kingdom.
Sermon Breakdown
4/23 Who’s the Boss? Col 3:23-24
While there are many misconceptions about work, none is more significant than the identity of our true boss. Who you work for determines what you do and how you do it. If we are honest, there are lots of motivations that empower us to do what we do each day, but from God’s perspective, serving Him is the motivation that is to drive our work ethic.
Special Guest Story: Brett and Lynn Johnson, Founders, Equip Ministries International www.repurposing.biz
4/30 What are the Benefits? Col 4:1
What are the qualities of a good employer? Take a look at the companies around you, and you will discover a wide variety of philosophies. According to the Bible, employers have more responsibility than making sure their compensation packages are competitive in their industry. How does following Jesus impact one’s responsibility as owners and leaders in the marketplace? Special Guest Story: Andrea Grossman, Founder and CEO, Ms. Grossman’s Sticker Company www.mrsgrossmans.com
5/7 All Church Retreat Sunday Ÿ Worship Gatherings at PCC — 11:00am and 6:00pm
Ÿ Adult Sunday School — combined class meets 9:15am in Fellowship Center
5/14 What’s the Scorecard? Daniel 3:1-30
Why is it that the same Christian values that seem so relevant on Sunday morning can seem so irrelevant on Monday morning? Sooner or later, your Christian convictions will collide with the values that drive the business world. When it happens, how you respond could determine the direction of your career. Is it possible to not compromise the principles of God to succeed in your career?
Special Guest Speaker Doug Morton, Chairman, The Woodruff Sawyer Company www.woodruffsawyer.com
5/21 Expanding the Kingdom Matthew 5:13-16
Followers of Jesus are called to be light to the world. Light is designed to shine in the darkness. For many Christians, the workplace is the most accessible dark place where light needs to be shining. What does it look like to be a light at work? This week we will look at both practical teaching from Jesus and practical ways you can help lead your coworkers to Christ. Special Guest Story: Anthony Mejia, District Sales Manager, Knova www.knova.com
5/28 Walk Away Daniel 1:8-19
Life is full and our career pursuits are not to consume all of us. In the pursuit of our career ambition, we have to balance the reality of other pursuits in our lives, including the pursuit of God, the pursuit of health, the pursuit of our spouse, our family or friends. There is not just enough time in a 24 hour day to reach your full potential in every area. In this closing session of the series, we will learn how to protect our highest God- given priorities, and learn how to walk away from the rest.
Special Guest Story: Stan Johnson Southwest Regional Sales Manager, ERICO, Inc. www.erico.com
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