Friday, September 03, 2010

About This Sunday at PCC

“I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me." Romans 15:30

Probably the greatest talk I ever heard on the topic of prayer was broken down by three main headings and 9 words: Prayer Works! Prayer is work! Prayer leads to work! While there is much I don’t understand regarding prayer, what I get is that when we pray, intimacy is furthered between us and God and things happen!

It is because of a holy precipice that we are standing on as a body, that I ask you to apply Romans 15:30 above and join us this Sunday in our worship gatherings for prayer. As we have done for the past three years, we have created a prayer experience for both morning gatherings, (There is no Sunday evening gathering this Sunday.) that will guide you during our times together to engage in a prayer tour of the ministries of Peninsula Covenant Church.

Can I be bold in asking you a question? Will you prioritize this Sunday with as much vigor and expectation as you do other Sundays? I am asking you to come with a serve mentality. I am dreaming that we as a body will, as Isaiah 62:7 says, give the Lord no rest together. I believe God will richly reward us for showing up and praying, boldly, faithfully, and Biblically and courageously as a body. After the 10:30 gathering, the BBQ’s will be fired up and we will enjoy a church family picnic out on our beautiful lawn.

September promises to be quite a kickoff to an incredible year together. After the prayer experience together this Sunday, we will engage in Vision Sunday. Following that important Sunday, we will launch into our Different series looking at the Sermon on the Mount.
Plans have been in the making for many months, your leadership is all prayed up, unified and postured for the adventure that lies ahead, the next step is for us to come together this Sunday for a sacred gathering and call on our Lord God Almighty! I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


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