Friday, May 18, 2012

Parenting Wisdom

THIS SUNDAY (5/20) IS LIKE NO OTHER AT PCC!!!  Imagine a ONE MAN ACT portraying an entire book of the Bible. Seems impossible doesn't it?  However, Bruce Kuhn, Broadway actor, will do just that in his 60-minute riveting theatrical rendition of the Book of Luke.  So plan on coming on time at either  8:55am, 10:30am or 5:00pm so you don't miss a moment.

While I am looking forward to this weekend, I don’t want any of us to forget the truths entrusted to us by Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen.  Below is a synopsis of the best of them:

·       “The family is God’s best platform for discipling the next generation of disciples.”

·       “Make a choice to pray for Godly offspring.”

·       “Getting married is not an add-on to the single life, it is a paradigm shift.”

·       “You entered into a covenant with your job, your hobbies, even your dreams, but if married, you have entered a covenant with your spouse.”

·       “Kids don’t need to see a perfect marriage; they deserve to see a marriage being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.”

·       “We need to parent by faith.”

·       “We are living in a dyslexic culture, parents are obeying their children.”

·       “Kids will always be kids as long as parents never be parents.”

·       “Rules without a relationship is a recipe for rebellion.”

·       “Our children need to know that we are invested in them as children.”

·       “I don’t know if there is any ingredient more lacking in parenting of adolescents today than hope.”

·       “Do our kids see us in a vibrant relationship with Christ?”

·       “Is my time in the Word of God changing my life?”

That’s what challenged me!  I thank God that all my kids have been raised within the community of PCC, where children, teens and parents are valued, challenged and equipped to be disciples who reflect God’s heart for the world.

This weekend is important as we turn our minds and hearts back into the book of Luke.  After the morning gatherings, we gather to discuss next year’s budget and celebrate the ministry of PCC and God’s faithfulness this past year.  I look forward to gathering together!
I love being your pastor!


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