Thursday, November 11, 2010

We Need a Beautiful Day!

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

To all of you who bravely served us through the Armed Forces…THANK YOU!

As much as I love our Worship Center, my favorite worship experiences take place when we gather on the local grammar school campuses in our area. As much as I love the instruments that lead us in worship, my favorite worship instruments have become a rake, broom, hammer and rags. As much as I love preparing for and preaching sermons, I love living sermons out through serving even more. As much as I love sharing the Gospel with our community, I believe the Gospel is more effectively shared when we are serving.

Which is why I am so excited about Beautiful Day on Saturday November 20, from 8am – 4pm at Garfield School in Redwood City. Most of you know what Beautiful Day entails; hundreds of people from the PCC community converging on the Garfield campus, which is severely challenged by the economic realities of our times, to beautify the campus, serve teachers, parents and students and unify as a church family.

While PCC is a varied church in terms of racial diversity, (and prayerfully growing more racially diverse in our future!), socio-economic diversity and age diversity, we are unified around the value of serving our community and in so doing serving our way into people’s hearts. Nothing has gotten the attention of our not yet Christian community like our catalytic Beautiful Day serve experiences on the school campuses. Nothing has given us deeper inroads into our local community like our catalytic Beautiful Day serve experiences.

If you and I are to take the Jesus Model (Romans 5:8 - He demonstrated love, not just spoke about it!) and the Jesus Mandate (Acts 1:8 - Go through our local community to the world with the Gospel, not just wait for people to come to you!) seriously, then we have to prioritize these Beautiful Day experiences. Are they the end all? No way! The goal is that one-day every day would be a Beautiful Day for every person that calls PCC home!

Bottom line, we need Beautiful Day more than Beautiful Day needs us. We need to live beyond ourselves and grow in the area of serving. We are never more like Christ than when we serve. So join the Gaddini family, PCC, bring all your friends, and let’s converge at Garfield School on November 20 for an amazing experience. You can sign up this Sunday at the Beautiful Day Table on the patio before or after each gathering.

Want a picture of this year’s project? Watch that here:

Remember our first Beautiful Day? Watch that here:


Anonymous Wayne said...

Gary, I have often questioned how do we live out the biblical model of the early church? Did they not gather together very often, and give all they owned to the church, and the church cared for all its members? I realize in today's society, this is very difficult, that it makes most people think cult. In a time and place where people live in larger communities, were social responsibility is replaced by a populace of apathetic victim-minded people concerned with only their self-centered ways, how do we as a church bind ourselves, set apart and holy? Is Christianity the ultimate form of socialism? Do we give and give until we have nothing? Sometimes I feel we should, there is an ache to make things right for all around me. But if I gave until I had nothing, how would I be caring for my wife, planning for the future. We are nit to worry about the future, to let it worry for its self, yet that does not give us license to be hap hazard or wasteful of what we have.

9:36 PM


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