Friday, September 30, 2011

We Are On The Way!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  John 14:6

We are on the way!    Wednesday night we gathered as a body to pray for our church and greater community.  Below you will find a portion of what we prayed for: the weekly emphasis of the series for the fall.  Would you print this out and pray with us in the coming weeks?

Want more information regarding The Way?  Click here.

Oct. 2 - To understand God's love and the commitment required to follow Him as an apprentice.
Oct. 9 - To respond to the Gospel based on a biblical worldview more than a religious worldview.
Oct. 16 - To repent of areas of self-reliance, growing in abiding faith, giving God the glory.
Oct. 23 - To recognize how much we have been blessed and to steward our "stuff" to bless others.
Oct. 30 - To develop a passion for disciple-making and to clarify who it is God wants us to disciple.
Nov. 6 - To develop a heart for the poor and value the poor more than our earthly possessions and wealth.
Nov. 13 - For PCC to place our faith in Christ and to grasp the urgency of sharing Jesus Christ with others.
Nov. 20 - To understand our "child of God" status and to be willing to risk everything to follow Him.

The pattern we are encouraging you to develop for maximizing this series is really simple: Read, Hear, JoinRead both the Bible passage looking at some of Jesus' teachings on what it means to follow Him and a chapter of the book Radical by David Platt (this week Chapter 1).  Hear the sermon every Sunday engaging the passage for the week.  (This Sunday we will be studying Luke 14:25-33.)  Join in a groups to wrestle interpersonally over the ramifications for your life.

It's not too late to get the book or get in a group.  All groups launch next week.  If you still need to join a group, email Patsy.  Books are on sale ($10) at the Church Office and will be available on Sunday in the back of the Worship Center as well.  Click here for the Amazon Kindle version.

I look forward to being together this Sunday.  Please do take time to pray for PCC!  We are in some exciting times and need to walk faithfully as a church body.

I love being your pastor!


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