Friday, December 27, 2013

Leaving 2013

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:33

There are still remnants of Christmas all over our house, and my heart is full. The moments shared during our Advent Conspiracy will stick with me a lifetime, culminating with our three Christmas Eve Services.  I loved it all...

This week between Christmas and New Year’s, can I encourage you to take time to reflect on your 2013 and invite God to give you wisdom as you head into 2014? What would your year look like as you seek Christ first every day? How does Jesus want to shape you more and more into His image this coming year?

We will be introducing you to a Bible reading plan for the first three months of the year as we study the book of Proverbs, but if you are looking for various Bible reading plans, try this one.

Remember that this Sunday we will only gather once in the morning at 10:30 for a traditional style gathering. We will also have our 5pm gathering as well.

Please also join us in praying for a generous outpouring of year end gifts to PCC.  You can access our year end letter and creative ways to give.

Thank you, PCC, for a wonderful 2013. I pray that we all grow in Jesus in new and profound ways in the coming year.

I love being your pastor!


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