Friday, October 25, 2013

I am Forgiven

Last weekend Carlos did a tremendous job of making the topic of being forgiven come to life. If you weren’t present, listen to it on podcast here.  He shared a poem, I am Forgiven, written by the 19-year-old former PCC student, Garrett, who now attends the University of Hawaii.  Many of you asked for that poem and so here it is:
I am forgiven
torn broken and hurt
covered in dirt
wrapped up in this filth that drags me down
I'm starting to drown
can’t live up to your expectations
always giving in to these temptations
dragged through the mud
covered in crud
I can’t clean myself
I need something
something to clean me
something to free me
break my chains
show me mercy and grace
replace what’s broken
you were perfect
free from sin
clean from within
able to resist temptation
you were the ultimate donation
more perfect than fresh snow
but you died for us
pinned to the cross
suffering was the ultimate payment
dying just to make statement
that your love
has overcome
I am wiped clean because of you
It’s through,
It’s finished
It’s done
you see past my imperfections
there’s no rejection FROM YOU
you love me no matter what
you are the son of God
but God gave you up
for what
for me
your skin pierced
hands and feet broken
so I could be fixed
pieced back together
I am forgiven
because of your love
given another chance
your GRACE AND MERCY covers me
like a shield it hovers over me
protecting me from the stones they cast
I ALONE WOULD never last
you heal me
because of you I am set free
able to keep on living
driven by you
you control me
and I am an adoptee of the all POWERFUL God
the all KNOWING god
the all LOVING god
because of you
Wow!  What a powerful message!  This week I’m continuing to teach from the ID: Discovering Who You Truly Are series with I am Empowered.  I’m looking forward to gathering with you this Sunday!

I love being your pastor!


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