Our Bigger Story
He said to them, “Come and you will see.” John 1:39
Our bigger stories begin in response to God’s invitation. For Simon Peter in John 1:39, he had no idea that Jesus’ invitation was a doorway into God’s bigger story for his life. What started with spending the night hanging out with Jesus ended on earth with crucifixion for Peter and in eternity, the ripple effect of his life continues to grow.
Peter’s story (although not the breadth of his impact!) has been replicated millions of times in the last 2000 years. Invitations, spiritual promptings, responding to a holy hunch with one small step is the beginning of our bigger stories.
For the next two weeks, PCC is attempting to invite you into your bigger story. Our Ministry Fair might appear like the “Club Days” most of us experienced in college, where all clubs are on display, information is exchanged and university students are made aware of various activities and interests that catch their attention.
This is not intention! Our Ministry Fair for the next two weeks is our best attempt to pair the world’s great need and your deepest longings. Frederick Buechner said it best in his book Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC:
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
Come the next two Sundays prayed up and open to the invitation of God. Come having carved out some margin to enjoy browsing around the tables and lingering--meeting people and discovering PCC’s secret sauce: her people!
Just a few reminders regarding what we are doing:
- The Ministry Fair is open from 10:00am-1:30pm and then 6:30-7:15pm.
- Park as far away from campus as possible, leave our parking lot open for guests, and people who need to park on the lot.
- The Shuttle will be running to and from Roosevelt School (McGarvey lot).
- Food is provided--especially for families with young children.
I look forward to roaming with you and experiencing three things:
- Exposing our people to the multi-faceted way that we are carrying out the vision of PCC,
- Inviting people into the place they are being called, and
- Connecting and enjoying the people of our PCC community.
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