Are You Living a Good Life?
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13
Are you living a good life?
I’ve never met Kara Tippets, but she is living a good life, albeit a difficult one. She is in her 30’s, a pastor’s wife, mother of four, avid follower of Jesus Christ, and she is fighting a brutal battle with cancer. Her husband Jason and I partnered in Student Ministries together in the early 90’s. Her blog awakens me to an eternal perspective, faith and courage that I hope to aspire to one day.
This morning her entry displayed a stewardship of the book of Proverbs. Being that this weekend we begin a journey in that book, called “The Good Life.” I thought we could all benefit from her example of how to do life well.
Here is an excerpt of what she wrote:
“Yesterday, I was sitting with one of my daughters. We had this short moment before school captured my daughter for the day. We opened to Proverbs and there I found a promise for my children and for my heart.
Proverbs 1:3 Whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.
I looked closely at the verse, can you see it? I sat in awe of this verse with my daughter. In the listening to God, quietly sitting and listening to the God that loves our hearts the very best... He takes away the dread. Oh GLORY!!! On second look, I see the truth also. He doesn't take away the disaster, but the dread of the disaster.
I turned to my daughter and truthfully spoke of our story. We are not promised a life of ease in this world. But we are walked with in our hard. This beautiful promise, was just what I needed, what we all need.
You see we have lived hours, days, weeks, months, and more than a year in dread. Dread is a horrible liar and peace stealer. When I saw these verses I felt unbelievably free in the reading of them. It was heart-altering, life-changing, freedom-giving truth.
Join me, won't you? What areas of your life have found you welcoming dread into your heart? What lies are being whispered to you in your dread? Look truly at the coming disaster, would Jesus meet you in it, love you through it, and give lavish, unbelievable grace in the midst of it?
I walked the shadow of the valley of death, and I was met. I would love to share the promise that the disaster won't come, but I don't see that here. But I see great love present in the midst of it, in the lifting of the dread. Miraculous!”
All winter long we will see and hear examples of people living “The Good Life”, I believe we will all be challenged by what we witness and encouraged to step deeper into lives lived significantly.
Before jumping to the your next thing, do me a favor, pray for Kara, Jason and their family.
I love being your pastor!
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