We Are PCC
To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours... 1 Cor 1:2
People are the vision of PCC. People who live out their calling, first the call “To Be”, then the call “To Be Holy”, then the call “To Be …Together.” If you missed last Sunday's worship, please either go to the website or the PCC podcast and listen to it. We will build off of Sunday all year long.
Three in-house items I need to address with you:
- Fall Morning Gathering Times: We have received an overwhelming response for the 9:00 and 10:30 start times that we shifted to for the summer morning gatherings. In addition, the metrics we established for the shift have been met and we will continue these times into the fall. Our Sunday evening gathering time remains at 5:30 PM.
- While many of us enjoyed a summer vacation and returned, giving this summer seemed to go on vacation as well! We are entering the fall rather precariously in the area of giving. God has always been faithful to meet our needs year in and year out, but I want to bring to the family an accurate assessment of our financial status for the Fall. Please pray about our financial status and if you are part of the family, please give faithfully!
- We closed our gatherings this Sunday with a PCC Declaration, giving voice to our values and identity. Below is a copy of that declaration:
We are People Changing Communities
We are People…we were born to be image bearers of God, a people belonging to God, who are being authentic about our brokenness and need for Him. We will strive to honor God by stewarding the body He has given us, the relationships we have been entrusted with, and the community of PCC that God has had His hand on for 60 years.
We are People Changing…we will no longer be conformed by the pattern of the world but transformed by renewing our minds, following the Holy Spirit and the living the Word of God . Stagnation is not an option for us; we vow to grow into maturity by reflecting His character and living into our calling.
We are People Changing Communities…Since God so loved the world that He gave, we too will embrace the heart of Jesus by giving and receiving grace, practicing healthy relationships, and acting socially responsibly. We will share the the Gospel of Jesus Christ, hoping and praying that as many as possible believe and follow Him.
We are PCC. We will love this church with the same love Christ has for His church. We will sacrificially serve, pray for and invest through PCC so that His church will manifest the fullest and most accurate picture of Jesus the Peninsula has ever seen.
We endeavor to do all this with humility, in the power of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God. Amen.
This weekend we kick off our fall series on the Sermon on the Mount: Different. It is going to be a wonderful Sunday together, with Brian Rhen teaching on the introduction to the only sermon Jesus ever preached…walking us through The Beatitudes. I will be with our High School Student Leaders at Mount Hermon as we look to the year ahead and what it means to be a Spiritual Revolutionary. Should be great!