Meditating on His Wonder
Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders. Psalm 119:27
Need a lift in your week? When was the last time you paused in God’s presence and intentionally meditated on His wonders? This morning I was sitting in Psalm 119:27 and sensed God’s nudge to join the psalmist and meditate on His wonders.
It is important that you understand the difference between Eastern meditation and Biblical meditation. With Eastern meditation, one is encouraged to empty one’s mind. With Biblical meditation one is encouraged to fill it and so be transformed by Biblical and theological truth. BIG DIFFERENCE!
What comes to mind when you think of God’s wonders? Webster’s defines wonder as that which causes astonishment or admiration, to marvel. You would surely agree with me that God is wonder-full! Often I am moving at a pace so fast I lose that wonder--to my demise! This morning as I asked God to bring to me evidences of wonder, He brought three exhibits of His gracious power that caused me to worship and put a smile on my heart:
- Wonder Exhibit A: Just last night I had the honor of taking a close friend out for his 46th birthday. We had a great night and as we were in my driveway we were praying together and I told him what an amazing object of transformation he is to me. When I doubt the power of God, I think of him. When he was in high school NO ONE would have predicted, based on his destructive adolescent behavior, that at 46 he would be an amazing husband and father of 4 great kids, a man others seek out for encouragement and truth. What made the difference? The wonderful power of the Gospel! I sat in wonder at God’s power!
- Wonder Exhibit B: Today at PCC we celebrate the birthday of my ministry partner, Daisy Segal! (I’ll let her tell you her age--that’s her story to tell!) Like all of us on staff at PCC, Daisy has an amazing story that includes elements of God’s grace, power and forgiveness. I thought of how earlier this week while interfacing with various ministry leaders, they often remark on how incredible Daisy is. This morning I marveled at the power of the Gospel to change her life and to continue to transform her. I sat in wonder at God’s mercy!
- Wonder Exhibit C: No lie, as I was finished marveling at these two wonders, it was so good that I asked God to bring another wonder to mind. Thirty seconds later, who skips into the room and surprises me, but our 5th daughter, JoJo. I held her and looked into her eyes and marveled at all that she has experienced in 4 short years of life cloaked by the indescribable joy she has, and how God literally delivered her against great odds from the DRC to our home. I thought of how in just over four months God has used her to transform our family so profoundly. I sat in wonder at God’s deliverance!
Wonder what the recurring theme was that caused wonder? All three exhibits are lives that defy explanation. I left the morning lifted emotionally, spiritually and lifted in faith. Why not take some time today and meditate on God’s wonders?
This weekend we will experience yet another wonder of God. A woman whose devotion to God surpassed thousands of people’s devotion in the temple combined! Read for yourself in Luke 20:45-21:4! I’ll see you on Sunday. Come expecting wonder!
I love being your pastor!