Thursday, July 03, 2014


But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the LORD do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.”     Ruth 1:16-17

In preparation for the next two weeks in our HeroesSeries I have immersed myself in the book of Ruth!  I have to tell you it has been so incredibly refreshing for me to reacquaint myself with this amazing love story.  Thirty-two centuries later, this book is so refreshingly relevant for us. Here are seven reasons why this book matters:

1. Ruth shows us where to turn and what to do when life hurts. Despite her losses, this young widow fixes her gaze on God (reinforcing our summer theme verse of Hebrews 12:1-3) and pours her energy into helping others.
2. Ruth gives us permission to be bold when we need to be. When her future is at stake, Ruth is anything but passive.  She asserts herself, trusting in God’s providence and Naomi’s mentorship.
3. Ruth demonstrates the beauty of humility and hard work. As a gleaner, Ruth must let go of her pride and pick up the scattered grain to feed her family. She’s a scrapper, lacking any entitlement.
4. Ruth redefines beauty. When Boaz sees Ruth across a crowded field, it’s her character, (specifically her commitment to her mother-in-law) which impresses him most.
5. Ruth teaches us the value of speaking our minds and opening our hearts.  However lowly her position, Ruth isn’t afraid to ask this rich and influential landowner why he treats her with generosity and loving-kindness.
6. Ruth makes it clear that patience and trust in God’s timing are virtues worth cultivating.  When her mother-in-law tells her to wait for Boaz to act, Ruth wisely sits tight. Tough to do, but so worth it.
7. Ruth gives us a glimpse of our Kinsman-Redeemer and the hope Jesus offers. From the first verse of Ruth to the last, we long for a Redeemer to save the day. Does he ever! My appreciation for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus soared reading this book.

It’s only 85 verses long, over 50 of them are dialogue, and it is a great love story. Why not read it daily between now and Sunday and come expectant for God to remind us all how Heroic love can change the world?

I love being your pastor!