Friday, August 26, 2011

Empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to be Faithful

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.                            Luke 16: 10

Let’s be faithful with the small things--they matter to God, so they should matter to us! As you read this Gmail, live in the truth that God is not bound by time.  He has already walked through your day, through your tomorrow, and He has prepared “Divine Appointments,” good works as they are referred to in Ephesians 2:10, for you today.  Everyday is like Christmas morning for the child of God. God has lavished us with good gifts every day (Lamentation 3:22-23). 

We see the benefit of faithfulness in small things with Joseph. He was faithful in Potiphar’s house (Genesis 39), and in the prison (Genesis 40), and then God entrusted him with being in charge of all of Egypt (Genesis 41:41).  We also see this in David’s life. God groomed him as a shepherd and then entrusted him with slaying a giant in 1 Samuel 17.  It was faithfulness in the small things that gave David the courage to slay the giant before him (vv. 34-36)! We see this in Daniel’s life when, in Daniel 1, he was faithful with his fast to honor God in a seemingly small act of obedience, and 66 years later in chapter 6, his act of faithfulness results in a national decree encouraging people to worship and follow the God of Daniel (Daniel 6:26-28).

We see this most clearly modeled in the life of Jesus.  He never passed an opportunity for faithfulness no matter how small the scope or who was (or wasn’t) looking. 

As we step into the fall (and beyond), let’s prioritize being empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to be faithful, starting with the small stuff! What small stuff is God calling you to be faithful in today?  It could be as small as a smile to a co-worker, the extra five minutes it takes to really listen and give yourself to a friend, time praying with your spouse, time reading with your kids, time after dinner opening God’s word and having a family devotional.  I don’t know what it looks like for you, but small acts of faithfulness reap big rewards in the Kingdom of God.  Why not pause right now and ask God to make you aware of the small acts of faithfulness He is calling you to and ask for the power to obey Him.

This weekend we continue in our Renew series looking at just two verses: Colossians 3:18-19.  Janet Miclean will join me as we look at Renewed Marriages.  Come prayed up and ready!  Important Musings follow…

I Love Being Your Pastor!