It's Going to Be a Beautiful Day!
“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man…?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37
It seems so simple doesn’t it? Go and do likewise!
On Monday I had the opportunity to be a neighbor to Roosevelt Elementary School. I had an appointment with their principal and arrived early to get a feel for what is happening on the campus. It was one of those experiences where you leave more energized than when you arrived.
I came just in time to see the PE+ program at work. I was greeted by Michael, one of our incredible staff and watched as he and the other staff loved kids through sport. I then walked into the main office and saw an award plaque on the wall for volunteer of the year. Guess who won last year? Our very own Emily DeVitis.
My appointment with the principal, Trish Girardi, is part of our Beautiful Day protocol. In the past, I have experienced an awkwardness that comes from these initial meetings and all the stereotypical expectations that come with them. While there was some of that, I was inspired by Trish’s passion for Roosevelt and her gratitude for the partnership that has developed with PCC. Our time together was a gift to me.
As I left, I ran into Emily DeVitis walking the neighborhood, being a good neighbor and getting neighbors to sign off on the mural we plan on painting for our Beautiful Day. My time at Roosevelt was an hour spent in the company of greatness. Whether they were young 20-somethings who have caught the vision behind our PE+ Program, principals in extremely challenging economic times who see beyond what is to what can be, or our moms who have surrendered to Jesus and are following Him where He is leading. Go and do likewise is pretty simple, and it is contagious.
Here’s what I need us all to know about Beautiful Day on October 6-7:
- This isn’t a one-off, drive-by blessing event. We have a strategy to partner with Roosevelt all year long through PE+, the Classroom Angel Project and other experiences. We are going deep with Roosevelt School, PCC!
- This isn’t the rich white church and rich college students (we are partnering with the 2nd Mile organization from Stanford University) coming in to save the day. In many ways, we need this relationship more than they need us.
- This is an incredible open door! We have built trust and get to truly partner with teachers, parents and students. These are doors only God could open and we will faithfully walk through them.
Trish Girardi, Roosevelt’s principal will be with us on Sunday in all three gatherings. I am looking forward to having you meet her. If you have yet to sign up for the weekend on October 6-7, please do so on Sunday. I look forward to being together.
Now go and be a good neighbor!