Friday, August 19, 2011

The Body that God Designed

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.  Psalm 77:14
Coming back on Sunday and gathering with the body was wonderful.  One interesting occurrence that has never happened at PCC is that we had medical emergencies in each of our three gatherings! On Monday I received an email from someone who attended the 5:30 gathering, reflecting on how the response to the emergency ministered to her.  With permission, her email follows.
This week, I was reminded REPEATEDLY of God's tremendous power not just in Scripture but also through His PEOPLE, in acts, in deeds, directly in my face and in my life!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!!!  He is the performer of miracles.  I cannot exclaim enough how small and humbled I feel when I try and wrap my mind around it.

What happened Sunday night was pure God business!  I just want to say thank you to PCC for the kind of church you are; that it's not just in sermons that you relay God's Word but that you truly live it out.  I was sitting two rows behind the man when he went into some type of shock.  Tony and Gary quickly came to his side and gathered the church body in prayer for this man.  At that moment there was a PEACE in the worship center that I cannot describe as people prayed vigorously, full on, and lovingly for this man.  His wife was ministered to as people laid hands on her and prayed for wisdom and peace and healing.  While someone called 911, God had placed a physician in the worship center, just two seats away. (Gary’s note: The physician and his family are regulars at our 10:30am gathering, and as God would have it, came to the 5:30 gathering that evening.) Dr. Chang came over to the man, quickly assessed his condition and instantly, with spiritual authority, prayed for and ministered to the man.  

I was moved to tears by the whole experience.  The way our church family immediately dove into action for one of its members, the way that the "planned teaching" of the  service was interrupted and then how we were led to our Lord and Savior, the way a calmness fell on the place like a blanket and hope boldly conquered fear because God was in control of the situation...

God is working!!  I don't just read about it, I can see it and I can feel it in our midst.   What a blessing that the most awesome, unfathomable, beyond reasoning, Power in the universe is also dwelling in our earthly bodies!!   

I work at Stanford and always thought that Stanford was the place I would want to be when something bad happened to me, but I realized yesterday that there is a way better place... within the circle of my brothers and sisters in Christ, worshipping at PCC. 

Thank you, PCC for BEING the "body" that God designed us to be.

I LOVE this church!
What she loves is not the church building but the “called out” community that gathers weekly to worship Jesus and become more like him.  This week we will look more deeply at the traits of that called out community as we continue in our renewed series looking at Colossians 3:12-17. 

By the way, all three PCCers are doing fine and should be worshipping with us this Sunday.  Get a physical before Sunday J,  and come expectant! Important Musings follow.

I Love Being Your Pastor!