The Celebration Continues
They didn't waste a minute. They were up and on their way back to Jerusalem. They found the Eleven and their friends gatherined together, talking away: "It's really happened! The Master has been raised up - Simon saw him!" Luke 24:33-34 (MSG)
I am still living in the glow of our Easter weekend together! From our Holy Thursday Connex experience, to our Good Friday gathering, to each of our Easter Sunday celebrations, how gracious of God to meet us, fill us with His presence, and change lives by calling people to Himself as we celebrated the definitive historical event that changes everything and gives us hope.
Here's the good news: we get to celebrate every weekend! And in the coming weeks, we have some good reasons to gather and celebrate together. Please pray for, prepare for, and invite people to the following celebrations:
- Sunday, 4/15, Mexico Recap: What happens when 140+ teenagers and adults set themselves apart for a week to live in dirt and serve together? Come to all three gatherings this weekend to find out. Please invite any friends with teenagers who would benefit from discovering the difference our student ministry can make in their student's life.
- Sunday, 4/22 & 29, PCC 60th Anniversary Celebration: On the 22nd, we will have a panel of previous pastors, as well as videos of our church's founding couple telling the story of PCC, highlighting six decades of faith-stretching decisions and God's faithfulness. Please invite any friends who are un-churched and would benefit from discovering the difference being involved in community can make in a life.
- Friday-Sunday, 5/4-6, PCC's Annual All Church Retreat: One of the most significant experiences we have together as a body is the annual All Church Retreat May 4-6! Once a year we leave behind the crazy pace of the Bay Area and head to the Santa Cruz Mountains to enjoy a weekend that is set apart. The retreat affords us the rare opportunity to get to know one another better as a church family. Our speaker, Doug Stevens, will lead us further into understanding the great "Yes" of God and His call on our lives to extend this "Yes" to the world that He loves. Sign up on the church patio on Sundays or in the office during the week. Please invite any friends who are new to PCC and would benefit from delving further into the PCC community.
- Sunday, 5/13, Mother's Day: My second favorite Sunday of the year next to Easter. This year we will hear from Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen from Home Improvement Ministries. ( Paul and Virginia are no strangers to PCC and have played a significant role in Anne's and my marriage and family. We will all benefit from their ministry. Please invite any friends who could use both tools and encouragement in their parenting.
I love being your pastor.